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Carbon Offsetting

At Studio Freight Ltd, we are committed to making a positive impact on the environment. We believe in the power of carbon offsetting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. We help businesses and individuals offset their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Per shipment or per period carbon calculation based on GHG protocol. By purchasing carbon credits from carefully selected projects, we ensure that our clients' contributions make a real difference.

Join us in our mission to create a greener world!


We calculate your carbon emissions (COâ‚‚e) for you, either per shipment, or over a period of time. We gather the actual weight, distance, mode of transport, and carrier to accurately calculate your carbon footprint. Once we provide you with a detailed report, you can choose to offset your emissions by purchasing carbon credits, one carbon credit is equivalent to one metric tonne carbon dioxide, (tCOâ‚‚). 

How It Works

Every company will have some “unavoidable emissions” that cannot be eliminated using conventional means, such as clean energy or electric vehicles. These unavoidable emissions can be balanced out through the purchase of carbon offsets, from third parties. Global demand for carbon offsets has created a market in which these can be bought and sold. In these markets, one carbon offset is equivalent to either: removing one metric tonne of carbon dioxide (tCOâ‚‚) from the atmosphere (“removal offset”) or preventing the emission of one tCOâ‚‚ (“avoidance offset”).We then issue a carbon offset certificate as proof of what you have purchased. This certificate shows the links to the underlying registries, where you can see the credits that have been purchased.



Offsetting Projects

Carbon offsets themselves are ‘issued’ meaning they are created by a relevant carbon standard. This can only occur once the project has been audited by an external 3rd party to confirm that the carbon standards have been followed.


Examples of Nature Based Solutions offsets include:

  • Soil sequestration — the amount of CO2 that can be captured in soil is increased thanks to improved land management.

  • Reforestation — carbon is captured by re-planting woodland on recently deforested land.

  • Afforestation — also refers to tree planting, but on land previously not forested.

  • Improved Forest Management (IFM) — increasing the amount of carbon sequestered in forested areas by improving how the forest is managed, for example by rotating the time between tree harvest.

  • Ocean restoration — growing and repairing ocean habitats such as sea grasses, algae, mangroves and salt marshes to capture “blue carbon.”


Examples of Engineered removals include:

  • Biochar — organic material carbonised under high temperatures that greatly improves the amount of carbon that can be locked in the ground, while improving fertilisation and water-holding capacity.

  • BECCS — otherwise known as Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage — refers to the highly-efficient burning of biomass to power electricity-generating turbines and then capturing the released CO2.

  • Ocean fertilisation — adds nutrients to the top layer of the ocean to encourage plankton growth and subsequent increased photosynthesis.

  • Enhanced weathering — speed up natural mineral weathering processes to capture carbon in calcium-based sediments that eventually turn to solid rock.

  • DACCS — otherwise known as Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage — refers to the industrial process of using electricity to remove CO2 directly from the air through fans, chemicals and filters.

  • Concrete Mineralisation — inject captured CO2 into concrete mix during production, thus converting CO2 into a calcium carbonate mineral that is stored within the concrete.

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What Our Clients Say

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Tech based company - time critical shipments

Studio Freight have provided us with an exceptionally consistent, accommodating and reliable service. We use them multiple times a week and could not present any faults. Such a friendly team. Highly recommend. 
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